Key partners

We work closely with a range of organisations and agencies to ensure that our effectiveness is maximised and draws on the expertise of others.


Our key partners are critical to our business, ensuring that we meet our objectives to influence and inform housing and related policy.  We truly value these relationships as without partners we could not be as effective.


These key partners are listed below along with information on any specific projects being undertaken.

The Scottish Local Authority Rent Forum


The Forum brings together officers working in rent colleciton and beneifts in local government to consider policy and practice in the provision of services to tenants.  In particular the forum is pressing the DWP for improvements in the process for approving annual rent increases.


Scotland's Housing Network


We have a unique partnership with SHN given their status as the national benchmarking club set up and managed by councils. 


We work closely with SHN on a range of housing specific issues and use the practice exchange forums to discuss and debate issues. We use the benchmarking data to inform that debate and make the case in consultation responses.


The Scottish Government


The Scottish Government is a key partner with whom ALACHO collaborates on a wide range of issues.

Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland


As Scotland's key representative body for housing professionals and a key driver in housing policy matters, CIH Scotland are a regular partner and collaborator with ALACHO on a range of housing issues, including responses to the government consultations.



COSLA are a councillor-led, cross-party organisation who champions councils’ vital work to secure the resources and powers they need. We work on councils' behalf to focus on the challenges and opportunities they face, and to engage positively with governments and others on policy, funding and legislation.


Scottish Federation of Housing Assocations


SFHA is the representative body for Scotland's housing assocations. Consequently SFHA members have much in common with ALACHO. We face many of the same challenges and work together on a range of issues.


Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations


GWSF represent community based housing assocations in Glasgow and the West of Scotland.  We collaborate informally on several issues, including ensuring Scotland's housing system is affordable to those on low incomes, and that housing's contribution to the improving outcomes for older poeple is achieved.

Shelter Scotland


Although our view can differ there is much common ground between ALACHO and Shelter and we work together on a range of issues including holding Scottish Government to account on national pledges and attempting to mitigate the worst impacts of welfare reform.

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